Friday 1 April 2011

OCTIA 2011

Just read Mieke Havenan's blog about the OCTIA conference and thought that I would attempt to write something, I am much better at the doing than I am at the writing :)

OCTIA is a conference about online counselling and it's the first event that onlinevents worked with to stream live to the Internet.

As a team we were really pleased with the event, felt for us like the technical expertise we have been developing over the last 2 years since the first OCTIA conference has finally come together into a rounded out and stable provision of live streaming, I was very proud of this and the hard work my team put into such an achievement!

The presentations were of course fantastic! Gill Jones helping us with website design, Tim Bond with ethical and legal dilemma's, Steph Palin talked to us about sex addiction and Kate Anthony introduced us to the future of online counselling. And it was very exciting to be delivering these presentations into our library just minutes after the presenters had finished!

The chat room remains at the heart of what we do, bridging the delegates in the room with those spread around the world online. To see the presenters and the delegates in the room engage with the online delegates never seems to lose it's 'in the moment' excitement for me, the ability to connect consciousness despite physical remoteness and share ideas, commitment and passion, just never seems to get 'old' for me!

Preparations have begun in earnest for next year and we are hoping to return to the Watershed in Bristol where we we very well looked after, excellent Internet access and all nestled in the lovely water front environment in Bristol. How could we resist to return again!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad